Thursday, January 8, 2009

oh that britney spears is good...

For those of you that know me, you know that I am a die hard Britney Spears fan. I've stuck by her side through thick and thin and I never looked back. Well, clever, little Britney came out with a new cd recently (within the past few months) and might I say..."Circus" is pretty damn good.

If you have not listened to her new cd you really should give it a try, not only because "Womanizer" reminds me of Chuck Bass and Gossip Girl commercials and because "Circus" has a really weird video, but because the #6 song is damn clever.

I don't know if Britney wrote it (she probably did not), but whoever did deserves the rights to be call a "song-writing-badass!" Okay, so about the's call, "If You Seek Amy." Now, if you listen to the chorus correctly it says, "all the boys and all the girl want to if you seek amy." That makes no sense at all when you read it, BUT if you say it really slow to yourself you will find the hidden clue that "all the boys and all the girls want to f-u-c-k me." Say them both and you will realize that Britney and her "song-writing-badass" did something ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE.

I would never have realized that if my Britney-loving boyfriend, Casey, did not point out how dirty the song is. I had no idea what he was talking about until he brought it to my attention. My Britney-loving sister, Katie, whom gave me the cd, thought the chorus made sense. She was disappointed when we brought it to her attention because she then had to break the news to Amy, her roommate. Amy apparently loved to listen to that song because she thought it was about "seeking Amy" at the bar.

Needless-to-say, it was a sad day for some (Katie and Amy), but for other Britney fans we realized that she was more a lyrical genius than before.

Way to go Brit Brit.

until then, stay classy planet earth.

and who am I? that's one secret I'll never tell.

xoxo, delaurah

why must there be terrible/hateful drivers? is it so the rest of us can look good?

I think there has to be some driving requirement when you buy a BMW. There has to be a line that says, "I vow to be a prick who cuts people off without a wave, give nasty looks, drives much faster than what the law says, I promise to piss people off." Then a second line that says, "I vow that I am an asshole and I will represent the BMW name well with my asshole-ness." Under that would be their signature.*

You ask why do I have such a strong dislike about BMW drivers? Well, they think they are better than everyone else and therefore to not have to be nice or abide by the law. I drive a pretty nice vehicle and you don't see me being a bitch. I just don't understand it. I guess it's one of those unsolved mysteries.

Another beef I have is with people who cannot seem to drive in certain weather situations. Okay, so it snowed, BIG DEAL! The roads have been scraped why must you go 2 miles per hour (I am dead serious)? This happened to me this morning. I was excited about getting to work on-time and some truck must have though we had an ice storm because he decided that in order to be safe he must drive at 2 miles per hour. I mean, if you're going to run off the road, you're going to run off the road, deal with it.

I promise not all my posts will be some venting session, but I just felt that everyone should be aware of terrible drivers...especially if you went to school and/or live in Lexington. Somehow they are the WORST.

until next time, stay classy planet earth.

and who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell.

xoxo, delaurah

*if you drive a BMW and you're a nice driver, my apologies. But, you should talk to your other BMW driving friends and tell them to get their act together because they're giving you/the BMW community a bad name.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

why i decided to blog.

well, here i am trying to be cool because i want to be in the "in crowd" of blogging. this would have been helpful during my travels because i would have had plenty of things to discuss, but i didn't think of that at the time.

why am i blogging? not really sure yet. i have nothing of interest to talk about, i'm not getting married now, therefore I cannot talk about being a newlywed, i not knocked up, therefore I cannot talk about the 9 months of torture, nor can I talk about being a mommy. you ask yourself, what the hell is delaurah doing? well, when you find the answer please let me know, i'm open for suggestions.

i'm sure i will think of something stupid to talk about periodically and every once in a while something i write might be worthwhile reading, but until then, please read on and feel free to make fun of me for my lack of ideas or uninspiring life.

until then, stay classy planet earth.

and who am i? that's one secret i'll never tell.

xoxo, delaurah